
Introduction to Savior

Introduces simplified and resourceful communication irrespective of everyone location. SAVIOR delivers information in just in manner and facilitates the platform for everyone to contribute legitimately.
SAVIOR is a framework that aims to minimize the impact to business due to any disruptions and ensures restoration of IT infrastructure.

The Problem

Organization of any domain are growing at a faster pace. Team are having complex activities to contribute and balance the growth.

Increased process acceleration in today’ world has introduced complexity which is not limited to IT development team.

Business continuity, Operational management, Incident Management and DevOps activities with limited resources has become challenging which certainly interrupt the smooth business plan for growth.

The Capabilities

Ready to use template

SAVIOR offers the ready to use templates which can be used with One click. Specialized templates for crisis management viz. Fire drill, Earthquake, bomb threats, DevOps or IT incident management viz. DB Audit, Server Audits etc.

Cloud based anywhere access

When business problems can’t wait for you to be on your desk. SAVIOR capability to collaborate around any business process or system event on any mobile/web device.

Multi-channel communication

SAVIOR supports instant delivery by SMS and Email. SAVIORs plan is to support delivery by WhatsApp etc.

On demand on-prem deployments

SAVIOR binaries are available to deploy on-prem and customization as per your need for enterprises.

2-Way communication

Communicate with your audience by sending SMS/Email and hear back just in time and plan your next action OR trigger workflow based on user response

Groups, contacts & role-based administration

Arrange your audience or recipients into groups based on department, Business Unit location, Designation, Gender etc.

Automated Workflow

Pre-defined workflow for business practices using rich and resourceful templates.

Consistent, error free and up to mark uptime

Decrease the chance of costly human errors in business critical practices with reduced execution time for incidents by leveraging SAVIOR Incident Management templates.

Plan your future today

SAVIOR support administrator to plan the workflows or notification today to execute on scheduled date and time.

Instant Messaging and War-rooms

For IT Incident and DevOps activity, or crisis management, on demand war-room creation to share the updates in group and plan the activity runtime also.

Actionable Reporting

Track recipient delivery status, confirmations, results of surveys, and other feedback on templates. View the actionable data coming from different sources. Reporting in graphical format drives the administrator to plan next action beforehand.


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